RCMI – Conceptual Framework and Logic Model


    Research Centers in Minority Institutions (RCMI)

RCMI Conceptual Framework and Logic Model

Ripple Effect is currently conducting a multi-method assessment of the Research Centers in Minority Institutions (RCMI) Program managed by the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD). The goals of NIMHD’s RCMI Program are to:

  • Enhance institutional research capacity within the areas of basic biomedical, social behavioral, and/or clinical research
  • Enable all levels of investigators to become more successful in obtaining competitive extramural support, especially from NIH, particularly on diseases that disproportionately impact racial/ethnic minorities and other NIH-designated health disparity populations
  • Foster environments conducive to career enhancement with a special emphasis on development of early career investigators
  • Enhance the quality of all scientific inquiry and promote research on minority health and health disparities; and
  • Establish sustainable relationships with community-based organizations that partner with RCMI Centers.

Ripple Effect is designing a conceptual framework and logic model that will identify important program characteristics concerning RCMI institutions and investigators, core metrics, and short- and long-term outcomes that can be used to demonstrate the overall reach and impact of the RCMI Program. Ripple Effect will then design an evaluation plan to determine whether program goals have been met and to answer the evaluation research questions.

Ripple Effect will examine RCMI achievements in planning minority health and health disparities research activities and translating research findings into practice through partnership with institutions with a commitment to educating underrepresented students and those that provide healthcare to medically underserved communities. Ripple Effect will conduct dozens of interviews and focus groups, design and administer surveys, and review the scientific literature and other outcomes associated with program activities since 2012 to assess progress toward achieving program goals and to inform potential strategies  for enhancing the program’s impact on the field of minority health and health disparities.



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Rockville, MD 20850
